Do you worry about food, weight or body shape to an extent that you feel like it is affecting your life?
Does this worry cause you to avoid eating certain foods, restrict what you eat or purge after eating?
Do you feel a loss of control when eating?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, or you know someone who might, then you are likely to want to know more about eating disorders
Find out how we can helpYou can use these pages to find out about the services that are available to adults (over the age of 18) within the Cardiff and Vale of Glamorgan catchment area.
We will signpost you to useful sources of information about eating disorders.
We will also encourage you to come and speak to us. You can do this by asking your GP to refer you to either the Primary Mental Health Support Service or the Community Mental Health Team for assessment.
It is important that you talk to somebody about getting help, and your GP will be able to advise you on the best course of action.
This website has been designed by the “Creative Insights Team”, made up of staff and service users from the Cardiff and Vale Adult Eating Disorders Service.
We will also share our thoughts and journeys with you.